a.       Definition – The Local Service Monitors (LSM) is a service that is to be installed on each monitored host.  It collects localized information and sends it back to the Repository and the Central Server for processing.  It’s features include real time log analysis, Siebel Server interface, and the ability to execute locally routed reactions. It sends XML RPC events to the Central Server when a defined event is recognized.  


b.      Configuration – You must follow the instructions listed in the installation guide prior to starting the LSM. 





c.       The default instillation path for the LSM  is Program Files\VA2\lsm



d.      The default instillation path for the LSM  is Program Files\VA2\LSM

                                                   i.      \bin – contains vconfig.txt.  This file sets the parameters for the LSM when it starts up.  Also contains the executable binaries for the Central Service.

                                                 ii.      \log – The log files for the Central Service are placed in this directory.

                                                iii.      \msg – Log for routing internal messages between certain processes on the LSM


e.       CENTRALSERVICE – Remember that this parameter points to the Host where the Central Server is installed.  Whatever host or IP address is set in the Central Server for this parameter must match what is set in the vconfig.txt file for the LSM.  The ports must match as well.


#Virtual Administrator Central Service Config file



#Make sure to change the CENTRALSERVER parameter to a valid Machine name or static IP address




CCPORT = 14400




#ODBC Settings - Make sure the ODBC Connection to the VA2 database

# is present on the machine, and that it is a system ODBC dtasource

# Make sure to fill out a valid username and password.