
a.       Definition - A reaction is Perl, BAT, or Siebel Server command that be fired when a notification rule is satisfied.  The reaction can be executed locally, or routed to a LSM host or Siebel Server. 

b.      Properties

                                                   i.      Name – User defined name for the reaction

                                                 ii.      Host - If filled out, the reaction will be sent to the LSM host.  If no host property is selected, the reaction will be fired on the Central Server host.

                                                iii.      Type – Choose between Perl, BAT, and Siebel Server commands.

                                               iv.      Siebel Server – If filled out, the command will be routed to a Siebel Server defined.  Must be valid Siebel Server Command as defined in the Server Manager syntax guide provided by Siebel.

c.       Methods – Add, Delete, Refresh